Master the modern information landscape

Become a bullshit buster

Politicians, journalists, podcasters - all are regularly using fallacious forms of reasoning to convince people of things that are fundamentally unreasonable or untrue. With the critical thinking toolkit, you will discover how to expose irrationality wherever you find it.
Become a clearer thinker in your professional life
Learn the full range of fallacies, biases and rhetorical tricks.
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The Course


Meet your Guide

Dr Hugo Newman

After completing his PhD in Philosophy in 2015, Hugo decided to leave academia behind. He has watched with concern as the standards of public discourse have declined preciptiously over the last 5 years, especially in the context of online political and cultural debates. He founded The Critical Thinking Project in the hope of beginning to plug the huge gap in critical thinking awareness and training that persists across nearly all of our educational institutions. The course he has created is simple, comprehensive, affordable, and (as far as is possible) ideologically neutral.
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